However, I'm scarcely objective. So look at these couple of reviews (in the links), from people who are generally really objective about stuff and not just people I know.
Emily Blake of Bamboo Killers says:
The play was funny, tragic and beautiful. I didn't look at my watch at all. Actually I don't have a watch but if I did I wouldn't have looked at it.And Josh Weiss-Roessler, he of Boring Future Generations said:
With a twisty "am-I-a-supervillain?" story and rapid-fire dialogue that plays like a strange, cool marriage between Joss Whedon and Aaron Sorkin , Sullivan's play is equal parts tense and funny, with wit and creativity to spare.
A great thanks to all those who found the time to come to a fairly warmish little theatre on a very nice Saturday night to check out my endeavor. And it looks like I'll have made back my expenses.
I've had work on the stage before, but this is the first time I was solely responsible for getting it up on its feet and doing so in three weeks was nerve-wracking to say the least, but my cast and crew pulled it all together in awesome fashion.
Mastermind will hit the boards again if I have anything to say about it. Hopefully with the original cast intact. They rock.
J. Claude's mom was there. I thanked her for having him.